Our Team

Zach's STORY

Zach Muller is a devoted husband, father, former D-1 athlete, and D-1 Coordinator. He is passionate about the relationships and bonds built through sports. Over ten years ago, Zach and Southern Recognition Co-Founder, Brian Kass, became teammates at Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina. It was there that the young Terriers found their first bit of collegiate championship success - winning a SoCon Football championship. Through blood, sweat, and tears as well as a rigorous academic schedule, it was a bond that would last beyond their playing days. 

Zach’s attention to detail, hard work, and passionate approach quickly transitioned from the field to the boardroom allowing for immediate but longstanding success with his customers. Rob Kass, CEO of Southern Recognition notes, “Zach’s dedication to pushing the design space on all rings has allowed him to live his dream of awarding athletes for their accomplishments. We recognized achievement and award success at Southern Recognition with Zach being one of our strongest leaders.” 

Zach is originally from Plymouth, Minnesota and currently resides in Monroe, Louisiana with his wife Lily and their two sons, Westbrook and Walker. During his free time Zach enjoys spending time with his family, exploring the outdoors, and live sports of every kind.

Our Process

Learn how Zach can bring your teams success to life.